How it works: the piston moves from left to right, form a negative pressure pump cylinder, then the suction tank fluid through the valve into the pump cylinder. 工作原理:活塞自左向右移动时,泵缸内形成负压,则贮槽内液体经吸入阀进入泵缸内。
Remove the water pump from the cylinder block. 从汽缸体上拆去水泵。
Research on a Novel Electrohydraulic Pump Control Differential Cylinder System 一种新的电液泵控差动缸系统的研究
Piston pump mainly by the piston in the pump cylinder for reciprocating motion to breathe and remove the liquid. 活塞泵主要由活塞在泵缸内作往复运动来吸入和排除液体。
Applications of Macro Program in Mine Oblique-axis Axial Piston Pump Cylinder Manufacturing 宏程序在矿用斜轴泵缸体加工中的应用
Three mutual engagement of the screw in the pump cylinder for each lead of the formation of a sealed chamber, causing the seal between the suction mouth. 三根互相啮合的螺杆,在泵缸内按每个导程形成为一个密封腔,造成吸排口之间的密封。
This article counter gear pump and hydraulic cylinder's appearance's common breakdown carries on the analysis. 本文对齿轮泵和液压缸的出现的常见故障进行分析。
It is primarily fixed in the bushing in the pump ( pump tank) and placed in the pump cylinder screw, and with the active engagement of the two driven screw formed. 它主要是由固定在泵体中的衬套(泵缸)以及安插在泵缸中的主动螺杆和与其啮合的两根从动螺杆所组成。
The former is the process of inhalation and discharged at the same pump cylinder alternately conducted by the inhalation valve and exhaust valve control; 前者的吸入和排出过程在同一泵缸内交替进行,并由吸入阀和排出阀加以控制;
A novel piezohydraulic linear motor consisting of a two chamber piezomembrane pump and a cylinder was presented with intruduction of its structure and working principle. 提出了一种由压电薄膜泵和液压缸构成的新型直线马达(简称压电液压马达)。
Reciprocating pump flow and the pressure head has nothing to do with the size of pump cylinder, piston and the reciprocating frequency of stroke. 往复泵的压头与泵的流量及泵的几何尺寸无关,而由泵的机械强度、原动机的功率等因素决定。
Differential Equation and Its Numerical Solution of Pressure Transient in Transient Areas of Axial Piston Pump Cylinder with Damping Ports and Effect of Compression in Closed Volume 具有减振孔和闭死压缩效应的轴向柱塞泵油缸在过渡区压力过渡的微分方程及其数值解
The mathematical models of both the pump controlled motor and pump controlled cylinder are set up and simulated in this paper. 分别建立了泵控马达系统和泵控缸系统的数学模型,并给出了仿真分析;
Extrusion Casting for Aluminium Alloy Automobile Brake Pump Cylinder 挤压铸造汽车铝合金制动泵缸体
By sampling the vibration signals on the fixed platen of the pump cylinder, and based on the vibration spectrum symptom, a failure diagnosis system for worn piston in reciprocating pump is developed with artificial neural network. 以在往复泵缸套压盖上采集的振动信号的振动功率谱为主要征兆,建立了基于人工神经网络的往复泵活塞磨损故障诊断系统。
In the course of the diagnosis, the vibration acceleration signal on the fixed plate of the pump cylinder is collected by computer. 诊断过程中,用计算机采集往复泵排出过程或吸入过程中缸套压盖上振动加速度信号。
The Corrosion Cracking and Protection of the Ammonium Carbamate Pump Cylinder 氨基甲酸铵泵泵体的腐蚀开裂与防护
The instantaneous change and the pulsating cause of the working pressure in the injection pump cylinder. 对三腔往复式活塞注浆泵压力脉动进行研究,定性分析了注浆泵瞬时压力变化及压力脉动形成原因。
This paper introduces the working principle and controlled methods of the permanent magnet synchronization servo motor ( PMSM), builds the mathematical model of the PMSM and analyzes the pump controlled cylinder subsystem and builds the mathematical model of it. 本文建立了永磁同步电动机的数学模型,分析了泵控缸液压动力机构并对其建立了数学模型,进而建立了直驱式电液伺服系统数学模型。
Failure-Analysis of a Slush Pump Cylinder Head 三缸单作用泥浆泵泵头失效分析
Study on mud pump cylinder with Ni based coating containing WC hard phase 含碳化钨硬相的镍基涂层泥浆泵缸套研究
Implementation of Automatic Monitoring and Controlling System for Pipe-Type Pump's Cylinder Assembly 管式抽油泵油管缸套装配自动监控系统的研制
This paper introduces the repair welding procedure for repairing an alumal casting piece of an oil pump cylinder, This method covers the shortages of AC argon arc weld and gas welding. 介绍了对油泵机缸体铝锰合金铸造件缺陷补焊修复的技术工艺,且弥补了若采用交流氩弧焊和气焊施焊时存在的不足。
The operation life of a wind motor can last up to several decades, while some key components of the deep-well water pump driven by it, namely the pump cylinder and piston sealing elements, last no more than two years. 风力机的寿命可达数十年,可惜与之配套的深井水泵的某些关键部件却只能使用一年多。这主要指泵缸和活塞的密封元件。
When the pump cylinder could not be filled with enough liquid, the liquid shock will occur, and the liquid shock load will make the down stroke axial load of the plunger increase. 当油井供液不足时,柱塞下冲程时泵内将产生液击,并加大柱塞下行阻力;
The mathematical model of inverter and the AC asynchronous servo motor system, pump controlled cylinder system, and the whole DDVC system are built up, a PID controller is designed, and the simulation analysis of the system is made. 4. 建立了变频器及交流异步伺服电机系统、泵控缸系统的以及整个直驱式系统的模型,设计了PID控制器,并进行了系统仿真分析。
The increase of leakage is mainly reflected in two aspects: on the one hand, it is the leakage of the annulus between pump cylinder and plunger; on the other hand, it is the leakage of fixed valve. 而造成抽油泵漏失量增大主要有两方面,一方面是泵筒与柱塞的环隙漏失量,一方面是固定阀的漏失量。
According to the differential object, pump-control technology include pump-control motor and pump-control cylinder, pump control cylinder again include pump-control symmetric cylinder and pump-control differential cylinder. 根据对象不同,泵控技术有泵控缸、泵控马达两类,泵控缸又包含泵控对称缸与泵控差动缸。
These features is the basic requirement of materials for mud pump cylinder liner. 这些特性正是泥浆泵缸套对材料的基本要求。